Thursday, April 12, 2007

McCain and the American Policital Morass

From The Newshour, quoting Ed Rollins, Republican Analyst on John McCain:

"Equally as important, John [McCain, Ed.] has been on television more than
anybody else, and it's getting to be a tired message. He needs a new
. Why can I lead this country effectively as a man who's going
to be in my 70s? What is my vision for the young people? Where are we
going to take this country? How do we basically come out of the morass
that we're in as a party and as a nation?

This is the problem we face as a nation - more and more people are beginning to feel the pinch of reality, and the standard answers of those in power do not any longer seem to make the same sense they once did.

One reason for this is the fact that you can only repeat something so many times before it begins to pall. And that is where we are at today. Sure, we defeated communism - I am not saying there were not some tense moments, especially with the nuclear war issue, or that it was not a great struggle - but that does not give license for the failure of the last thirty years to recognize the growth of the issues which face us today.

I have dealt with these issues before, and will again before any change is made. John McCain is supposedly the maverick, the truth teller of Washington, and on certain issues he has been. But there comes a time for any presently successful politician where they cannot tell the truth and maintain their position.

The first example, of course, is oil.

He tells the truth as he sees it about Iraq - the consequences of failure would be severe and catastrophic; yet while he can construct a solid argument for the continued deployment of larger numbers of troops, he does not acknowledge in any way the underlying truth of the situation - we are absolutely dependent on the oil pumped from the Mideast. We could not maintain our current society and standard of living without it.

The only true answer to that problem (because everyone else wants what we have - air conditioning and cars) is to figure out a way to get off of oil. The problem is so simple to see no one bothers to draw the lines - however it is not a simple, or inexpensive, problem to solve.

But it can be done, and doing it would do more to end terrorism than any other strategy we could come up with.

More later . . .

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